Sanja Peterlić, M. Med. Biochem.
- founder, director, certified business consultant, auditor, lecturer at courses / educations / conferences - SUPERA KVALITETA d.o.o., Zagreb
- director and lecturer at the LERNA Business Academy, Zagreb
- president and co-founder of PHARMADRIA, a regional association of Central and South Eastern European pharmaceutical engineers
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mob: +385 98 310 783
Skype: supera-kvaliteta
Tomislava Agnić, mag. ing. agr.
- business consultant, auditor, lecturer at courses/educations
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mob: +385 99 3055 908
Romana Kušić
- office manager
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mob: +385 98 285 287
Dear clients,
Thank you for your confidence and cooperation as well as for successful completion of our joint projects. Congratulations to you and your teams for all your achievements. We are looking forward to continue our collaboration on your new projects.
Address: Gajeva 51, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 48 40 624
Fax:+385 1 48 32 110
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
VAT ID: HR37060820878
Bank Account No: 2402006-1101041916
IBAN: HR9024020061101041916
Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
51000 Rijeka, Jadranski trg 3A, Croatia
Commercial registration number at Commercial Court in Zagreb: 080680841
SUPERA KVALITETA d.o.o. is a private company established in 2009. Since then it has been continuously providing business consulting services for the establishment, maintenance and improvement of quality management systems, environment, food safety, energy and other management systems, as well as good practices (manufacturing, laboratory, clinical, distribution), performing audits as well as organizing and performing courses in the above areas.
The users of our business consulting services as well as the participants of the seminars are numerous companies in the manufacturing sector (pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetic, food and other industries), service sector (tourism, hotels, restaurants, trade, wholesale, retail, transport and other services), veterinary organizations, institutions (hospitals, ministries, institutes, agencies), laboratories from Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Northern Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Great Britain, France, Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, India, Cuba.
Our business cunsultants have years of experience in the above areas, as well as expertise in implementing, maintaining and improving management systems and good practices, and have actively led or participated in numerous national and international projects.
Short history
2005. SUPERA Business Management d.o.o. was founded as a private company providing consulting and education services in the field of quality and human resources.
2009. SUPERA KVALITETA d.o.o. started as an independent spin-off company and has continued to provide all quality-related consulting and training services ever since.
2016. SUPERA KVALITETA d.o.o. was awarded the "Charter for Special Contribution to Quality Education and Promotion" by the Croatian Society for Quality (HDK) in the "Small Business" category.
2019. SUPERA KVALITETA d.o.o. founded Lerna Business Academy - a business school for adult education. Several new one-year training programs are being prepared and are in process of approval by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
SUPERA KVALITETA d.o.o. in numbers
• we have held more than 540 seminars and trainings attended by more than 9700 participants
• we conducted more than 500 audits of various management systems and good practices
• together with our clients we have successfully completed more than 200 different projects - our clients have received over 70 certificates, 80 permits and 14 accreditations with our help
• our business consultants have worked as accredited business consultants by the Business Innovation Centre of Croatia (BICRO) and Croatian Agency for Small Entrepreneurship (HAMAG)
• since 2006 to the end of 2008, two projects for the implementation of quality systems were co-financed by BICRO, 2 projects were co-financed by the Ministry of Economy
• since 2009 to the end of 2012, we successfully completed 33 (24 projects were monitored and co-financed by HAMAG, 5 projects were co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and 4 projects by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts)
• since 2013 to 2019, 10 projects were successfully completed (implementation of a management system) that were co-financed through various EU tenders
• our business consultants have successfully participated as key experts for quality management systems on 2 major EU projects - "Promotion and provision of SME advisory services" - Phase I and II
Special thanks
For every company, especially in business consulting area, the most important are valuable, professional and loyal employees. All our successes and achievements are the result of dedicated work of our former and current employees, therefore we thank from all our heart to: Ivana Simić, Martina Kunštek Žic, Marina Krivošić, Sanja Jozepović, Tomislav Horvat, Zlatko Matić, Vesna Logomerac and Miljenko Košiček.
Without the wholehearted support of our former and current external associates and lecturers, we would not have held numerous courses and trainings neither completed some of international projects, therefore we would like to thank to our dear associates, in particular: Tatjana Ajher Đuretek, Ivana Hanzl Dujmović, Silvio Baronić, Tatjana Gojšić, Zdravka Knežević, Neda Kovačić, Tina Martinis Miletić and Blanka Štefan Milosević.